Sunday 19 June 2011

remedies from your cupboard

As much as we want to stay healthy, stay natural as we can (of course if it works). What work for other does not mean will do the same to you. But before you start any modern medicine,  please give a second thought on our ancestors' remedies. The first rule of home remedies from your very own  cupboard is, it is HARMLESS to try (unless if you are allergic to it). The world will thank you for making it greener.

When someone had fallen ill, our ancestors would use concoction  made from ingredientss found around their house. There was no doctor around let alone hospital. The guided formulas were tested on them through trials and errors, which later being handed from  one generation to the next, all become testimonials of its effetiveness.

So, do not be adventurous, just try out the hand down medicine that you granny told you. Afterall it was already tested!


  1. He he and that was why life expectancy was only in the 40s. I'll stay with modern medicine, thank you!

  2. Ceh Pal, moyang kau peminat nombor satu ubat periuk tanak!

  3. Masa aku takde anak dulu, sedara moyang (nenek kepada Maskamal Khan yg broke my heart) kirim dua bungkus ubat periuk. soon after, I got pregnant with Oscar. Suka sangat hati nenek tu. What we never told her was that laki aku takut nak bagi aku minum, so I just kept the ubat.


  4. tentu bila dah dapat tau you dapat oscar, nenek mas kamal bagi tau moyang you "kan den dan kato mujarab, kau tak percayo". Anyway, will sure write something about moyang. Ingat nanti nak masuk part our mrsm days.Love you
